The North Pole Comes To Wayne City

Brea Nettleton, Reporter

The High School Special Education Department and the freshman class are hosting the Santa Shoppe together for students in grades Pre-K to 8. The holiday store will be open from November 30-December 7, and it will be in the study hall room across from the library.  Each class will come down to the store during their assigned period so everyone can have an opportunity to buy something. The school hosts the Santa Shoppe so people can spread holiday cheer to anyone and everyone and hope that everyone and allows the grade school to come in and buy gifts for their family members and pets and to just enjoy the gift of giving for every kid. 

Doing the Santa Shop gives kids a Christmas opportunity to have fun and to be able to get something they wanted. Mrs. Keen and Mrs. Griswold, are the high school special education teachers working with the freshmen class as well, which is sponsored by Mrs. Griswold and Mrs. Fagan. Hosting the Santa Shoppe makes school fun for the little kids and also gives the older kids a lesson on how much fun it is to help make every kid have a merrier Christmas experience. The store helps students learn how important it is to take a chance and to help take part in something that is fun and exciting for everyone. ”The special education program works with different organizations within the school to provide the students with the opportunity to purchase holiday gifts for family members and pets. The Santa Shoppe is a labor of love and a service to the community which gives students the opportunity to learn life skills while spreading holiday cheer to everyone in the school,” said sponsor Kelli Keen.