Mr. Lingafelter As New Principal

Kyle Sledge


WCHS has a lot of new staff this year and unless students been paying zero attention over the past few weeks, they know that Mr. Lingafelter is the new high school principal.  With Mr. Caudle moving to superintendent, things will be a lot different with Mr. L as the principal because for many years he has been known as a sixth grade teacher here.  So what’s it going to be like?


The first thing asked to Mr. Lingafelter was if he was going to make any changes for this year.  He said “Not necessarily, Mr. Caudle’s done a great job of making sure we’re doing the things we need to be doing.”  He really seemed to like the way things were going when Mr. Caudle was in his spot, so there shouldn’t be much change expected.  He was also asked what can students do to really get on his good side and what can they do to really get on his bad side.  To get on his good side, he said, “Be respectful to each other and staff members, go above and beyond to do the right thing and do good in school.”  When asked what a student could do to get on his bad side, he first said, “Do the opposite,” but he quickly followed up with ,”I don’t have students on my bad side.  Every day is a fresh day.”


A lot of things have changed the past few years for the school:  a new building, new staff, and a lot more.  Let’s hope for a good year and hope Mr. L does great as the new principal!