Digital Dangers
November 10, 2017
While electronics and the internet can be helpful in many ways, they can be a danger to all ages if one is not careful. Cyberbullying plays a huge part in dangers of social media. Social media has a way of disguising who or what is inside your screen. Cyberbullying consists of hateful texts and can sometimes lead to death threats. People may also spread lies about others online, make nasty comments on their social networking profiles, or create a website to bash others looks or reputation. People don’t think about what they say online because they think that they can hide behind their screen from the people that are getting bashed and humiliated. The movie Cyberbully is an example of what can happen.
Another danger of the internet and social media are predators. Especially with Facebook, people need to be careful about who they allow to follow them. In other words, don’t add people who are strangers. Most social media sites have high quality privacy settings. Facebook has a setting to where people can’t see others pictures without letting them follow the person first. Another tip: don’t post every second of each day because there are always people watching. Facebook gives the option to tell the location and where their Facebook users have went to school.
Parents school their children on how once a picture is taken, it is out in the world for all to see. Parents don’t just say that to scare their children, they are trying to protect them from today’s dangers. Pictures can also ruin people’s reputations in more ways than one. Be careful about what is posted on social media accounts because it could destroy reputations and sometimes could lower students chances to get into colleges.