Face“perfect” and Insta“life”
November 13, 2017
Since Facebook and Instagram have gain in popularity, the age for cosmetic surgery has dropped beyond
the age of 40 years old for women. Men are also touched by the phenomenon and the average age for
having cosmetic surgery is now at 45 years old.
It seems that filters on social media which can distort a person’s image, have positively influenced
surgery as an option and make people believe that surgery will have a good impact on their appearance.
The more time is passing, the more pictures people share and the more they want to appear as good
looking to others.
Those social media have also had an impact on people behavior. They are not just looking for fun
anymore, they are looking for the best picture to take. The one that’s going to give them tons of “likes”.
They also want people to think their life is perfect. Their “friends” and “followers” should see them as
happy and important people.
Nowadays, social media is such an important part in people’s lives that they would do anything to show
their perfect life and surgery is a part of it.