How To Write a Song
January 25, 2018
Everyone has thoughts about certain topics ranging from true love to money, but they don’t know how to express it the way they want to. Some people find ways to express them through painting, and some through poetry, and others get their point across through music.
There are many people who write songs just so they can release some form of emotion, some just for the sake of writing. Of course, they aren’t perfect, but it doesn’t always have to be some chart-topping, platinum-level record that you make. It also doesn’t matter if you’ve got a gift for music or writing; anybody can do it.
Just like everything else in the world, writing a song can be done using many different methods. This is just one of the many processes that can be used. The first step is to think of something to write a song about. It could be anything from fame and fortune to the loss of a loved one.
Once you come up with your topic, think about how you would like to portray it. You could put it in an uplifting or degrading light. One way to help the process go along is to write your thoughts on the subject. It doesn’t have to be poetic or anything; this is just your rough draft.
Now is where you get to tap into your creative side. You get to come up a melody that goes along with what you wrote. But, this can be tricky because you need to revise what you into a more poetic form. Just to state the obvious, you cannot use a melody of a song already made. That would be considered a parody, not an original song.
After you come up with your melody, you’ll want to add a beat and some instruments. Keep in mind that the mood of the song you create is reliant on the instruments and beat that you use. Also, you aren’t limited to basic instruments like the piano and guitar. Use any instrument you like.
When you have done this, you’re finished. People always think that doing this is either super easy or super hard. In perspective, it’s easy if you know what you’re doing.