Snap Back
February 20, 2018
“I was rooting for you. We were all rooting for you. How dare you?” Teenagers and adults around the world are outraged with Snapchat and their new update. Users complain about not knowing what their Snapchat will look like the next time they get on their phone. Although most phones have a setting that controls automatic updating, Snapchat takes updating your app into their own hands.
The biggest complaint of the new update is the aggravating layout. Snapchat attempted to clean up their app, but failed horribly. Instagram, Twitter and FaceBook users have expressed their feelings through social media. Users have made memes, puns, and even wrote song lyrics to express their feelings about the new update. There’s a rumor going around that if the app is deleted and redownloaded, then it could be possible to get the old update back if you press “forgot password” and make a new one.
Users hate the layout because everything that was important to them before is now in a condensed version. Snapchat streaks are very small, so they are easy to lose track of and lose them with friends. Instead of clicking on the left side of a person’s name to view the picture they sent you, you have to click the right. Your friends stories used to be on their own separate page, but now they are mixed in with the Snapchats you receive from friends. This is probably my least favorite thing about the new update. Their motive for this update was to clean up their app, but instead made it very scattered and chaotic for their users. Users are hoping that Snapchat will see all of the negative feedback and change their layout back to the old one.