Are Phones Hurting Modern Relationships?

Cheyanne Fenton


Have you ever been relaxing with your significant other and they pull out their phone? Instant mood killer. For some relationships this is an often occurrence and the issue is worsening every day. In today’s world, the phone has become part of some people. It’s with them everywhere they go, and you better believe the phone is leaving its mark on relationships.

In the study published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture, college students were asked to report their own smartphone use, how dependent they felt on their device, and how much it would bother them to go without it for a day. They then answered similar questions about their own partner’s smartphone dependency.

It didn’t matter much how much a person used their device, but how much a person needed their device did. People who were more dependent on their smartphones reported being less certain about their partnerships. People who felt that their partners were overly dependent on their devices said they were less satisfied in their relationship.

Another study showed that in relationships where one partner felt (or was) dependent on their phone the rate of cheating went up. This experiment was also repeated with married couples with similar results. Many people say that their partners phone dependence makes them feel unwanted.