Is it Cuul to Juul in Scuul?
February 12, 2019
What is Juuling? Juuling is a specific brand of vaping, in the same term that Marlboro is a brand of cigarettes. A juul is a type of vaporizer or e-cigarette that takes juice, which contains nicotine. The juul heats it up to a vapor, which is then inhaled like smoke from a cigarette. Juuling was originally made for adults who were trying to quit smoking, but teens are rapidly getting their hands on them. Many teens becoming addicted to them because of their high nicotine content. A juul is very small, and it can easily fit into the palm of your hand. It can be charged by a usb port, which makes it even easier to pass of as a flash drive to a teacher. Students are being lured in by flavored Juul pods such as mango, mint, creme, cucumber, and many more. According to a report in Time, the vape made up 33 percent of the e-cigarette market in 2017. According to “JUULing raises the risk of becoming a regular cigarette smoker. Research shows that young people who use e-cigarettes are more likely to begin using traditional tobacco cigarettes.” They also state that “The AAP is particularly concerned about the threats to child and adolescent health posed by JUUL, including heightened risk of nicotine-dependence and other health concerns related to vaping. The AAP has joined with other organizations to urge the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) to take immediate action to protect children and teens from JUUL, and continues to work with policymakers to make sure that e-cigarettes are kept out of the hands of children.”