Out with the old, in with the new

MaKenna Kelly, Photography Editor

As seasons change and years end, new beginnings start. As the excitement of the 2018-2019 FFA year comes to an end, new excitement begins as the newly elected officers prepare for the 2019-2020 FFA year.


FFA is very proud to announce their new officers for the 19-20 school years. Listed below are the new officers.

  • President: Adam Loker
  • Vice President: Austin Schuster
  • Secretary: Jarrett Lewis
  • Treasurer: Avery Seidel
  • Reporters: Jakara Greenwalt & Clay Reed
  • Sentinel: Colt Henson
  • Historian: Jaxson Youngblood


The 18-19 officers are sad to take a step back from the office but are excited to see the new perspective and ideas that the new officers will bring to the chapter. The 2018-2019 President Chasidy Greenwalt said, “It was a really good experience! With the year coming to an end, it makes the emotions real, knowing that I will be graduating and will not be able to come back to participate and attend FFA events. FFA has had a huge impact and changed many things in my life. My experience with FFA has created an interest in me to want to become an Agriculture teacher.”