The Three Amigos
September 2, 2019
Who students are asked to think of a group of friends roaming the halls of WCHS, the group including Delainey Bailey, Emilee Jones, and Sydney Jackson often comes to mind.
The Three Amigos became a thing in 7th grade when Sydney moved to Wayne City, filling the gaps in Delainey and Emilee’s friendship. Now seniors, they’re completely inseparable.
When asked what plans they’d make if money wasn’t an issue, Sydney stated, “ I would go on vacation with them all before college!”
Delainey was asked what her favorite memory was as a group. Without any hesitation, she said, “I’m not sure what my favorite memory is right now. I just love hanging out with them.”
When asked what their favorite thing to do was they all looked at each other and started laughing. The girls then all yelled “Boiz Nites!”
If the group members were asked who was the funniest of these three, Delainey and Sydney would both quickly say, “Emilee; she is so unpredictable. You never ever know what she is going to do!”
Looking forward, Emilee says, “I am mostly looking forward to the summer before college. Just getting to hang out with my friends all the time.”
Delainey stated, “I am just looking forward to all of the memories we are going to make this year, as seniors.”