Terminating THC In Vapes
February 11, 2020
There’s a documented increase in e-cigarette related medical emergencies in teens in the United States. According to the American Heart Association, “There have been several hundred confirmed cases of a potentially deadly respiratory illness related to e-cigarette use.”
THC, (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the chemical in marjuana which causes most of the psychological effects. It’s similar to the cannabinoid chemicals made naturally by the body. Live Science states that, “THC stimulates cells in the brain to release dopamine, creating euphoria, according to NIDA,” and “it can trigger a relapse in schizophrenic symptoms.” Doctors and other medical professionals are trying to eliminate THC as a whole due to statistics. “There have been 2,051 cases of lung illness reported in 49 states, Washington, DC and the Virgin Islands,” according to the American Heart Association.
Vaping alone has caused lung illnesses and even deaths, but most of these issues are from products containing THC. According to The Washington Post, “Based on data available from 860 of the 1,604 patients who have fallen ill with the disease, about 85 percent reported using THC-containing products, compared to about 10 percent who reported exclusively vaping nicotine-containing products, officials said.” Terminating THC in vapes will ultimately cause less deaths and lung issues, especially in younger people.