We Didn’t Start The Fire
February 24, 2020
The morning of January 12, 2018 is a date that will forever be imprinted in many minds of students at Wayne City High School. That morning, the old WCHS Ag building went up in flames. Although it was never confirmed, the fire was assumed to be started by an old furnace that hung from the ceiling in the metal shop.
After a prolonged struggle with insurance and many slow months of construction, a new ag building was built. On December 21, 2019, the newly constructed agricultural building was opened to the public. A tour and ribbon cutting ceremony were held for members of the school and community. The newly constructed ag building has a wood shop, metal shop, three classrooms, and a personal office for Mrs. Ehrhart.
Currently, the ag department is undergoing buying new tools and gadgets. A CNC plasma cutter and 3-D printers are the hot topic of the shop, with a wood CNC machine soon to be added to the arsenal of tools in the Wayne City High School Ag Department. The shop will continue to grow and reach out to incoming students.