Covid-19 Brings Major Changes to the School Year

Jaden Boyd, Reporter

With every face students see in the hallway only half revealed, and hand sanitizer around every corner, this school year is filled with changes. After the state of Illinois came out with rules regarding the back-to-school process, the administrators here at Wayne City School got to work on making the return to school as safe as possible. Although, with all these changes, confusion isn’t uncommon, and normal is a foreign word. Students are required to wear masks at all times: classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, and everywhere in between. Desks are to be six feet apart, and the halls are lined with arrows, all evenly spaced to ensure that six feet is between every student. Dismissal times are also staggered, with freshmen leaving classes first on Monday, sophomores on Tuesday, juniors on Wednesday, and seniors on Friday. This change ensures less students are in the halls than would be in a normal school year. These dismissal times are also used at lunch, letting different students on each day of the week leave early. If one took a trip down to the cafeteria, that person would be greeted with a room straight out of a Sci-Fi movie. Students are required to eat with pieces of plexiglass in between each of them, which allows them to remove their mask while eating lunch. During these unprecedented times, students are living in a whole new world at school, and hope for a more normal return in the spring semester.