Maintaining Grades During Quarantine
September 26, 2020
Covid-19 has hit Wayne City High School hard during this time of the school year. Some students are struggling keeping grades up while they are at home doing online school work. Some students do better in person, because they don’t have their phones by their side distracting them. Learning how to use all of this technology so fast can be stressful. It might be hard for students to keep track of their grades during this difficult time.
Senior Kalyn Meritt says, “Trying to keep up with my grades and making sure I was doing well online was difficult at first. Math is going to be a tougher subject to keep my grades up in, but once I get used to being online it will become easier. We just have to work together through this hard time together!” Most students feel it will get easier, and everyone is in this together. Most also feel it is nice to be able to communicate with each other and ask questions if they need help using online learning tools. The teachers are trying to keep the remote learning easy for students. While some students fully remote and others are quarantined for now. Junior Lauren Bass says, “While most of us are quarantined for two weeks do to this pandemic. It hasn’t been too bad keeping my grades up, it is a lot easier in person because the teacher explains very well when we are face to face. Instead of online.”