Bean Days Missing Something This Year

Diego Diaz, Reporter



As every year at this time in Wayne City the Bean Days are celebrated, which means everybody is going to have fun, but surprise, there are not going to be beans on Bean Days!


Bean Days are a time to have fun with friends and family because there are activities for everybody. On Friday afternoon the 5k Color Run will take place and participants will get to see who is the fastest person in town. After the race, some of the students will face each other in the buff puff, the volleyball tournament. On Saturday morning the parade will delight us with the amazing floats of the different teams, churches, and clubs, like FFA or the Junior High basketball team. That same evening, the Rodeo will show who is the most skillful cowboy in town. These are just some of the events that will take place during Bean Days, there are even more things to do and watch like the tractor show, the bossy bingo or eating at one of the food trucks.


The Bean Days are going to be really special this year, even though there won’t be beans, because last year they were cancelled due to Covid-19. Most of the students are more excited than usual like Chase Smith who said, “I’m excited about Bean Days because I can hangout with my friends.”

This year there are also a lot of new students and they are also excited about their first Bean Days, “I really want to see what Bean Days are because everybody is talking about them,” senior exchange student Giada Machiaverna stated.

To summarize, Bean Days are here, there are no beans but everybody is going to have fun.