Leadership Beyond Measure

Kelby Wood, Reporter

FCCLA was founded June 11, 1945 in Chicago Illinois. FCCLA stands for, “Family Career Community Leaders of America.” The theme for this year is “Leadership Beyond Measure.” Wayne City High School’s FCCLA is ran by Mrs. Miller, a teacher at the high school, she has ran this club for twenty seven years. She says, “I love being a FCCLA advisor because I believe community service and leadership is very important.  FCCLA gives students the opportunity to participate and develop in these areas. We need to keep encouraging the younger generation to serve more. It is always encouraging to see my FCCLA members plan and implement a community service project.  We do not give the younger generation enough credit for all that they do. Through FCCLA, I get to witness students making a difference in our community and caring for others. My members always leave the community service project more mature, encouraged and in a better mood than they began.  FCCLA also develops leaders.  I love seeing my members grow from their Freshman year to their Senior year.  I have witnessed some very introverted Freshmen become Sectional Officers who plan activities and speak in front of large groups.

In order to join FCCLA students must take one of Mrs. Millers classes for a least one year. Community Service Coordinator, Madeline Boyd says, “FCCLA is my favorite club because its a good way to plug into the community and get good volunteer hours.” Every year they have several activities including, pumpkin decorating, breakfast with Santa, FCCLA week, SIU Carbondale trip, serving at Lifeboat homeless shelter plus many more! This group helps any community in any way they can. Last year, they did a baby clothing drive for the Compassion Pregnancy Center. President of FCCLA, Jovi Horton says, “My favorite thing about being in FCCLA is getting the opportunity to serve our community. I also enjoy meeting new people and I love all fun activities we do. My favorite is serving the Lifeboat homeless shelter.”