Night Under the Stars

Kelby Wood, Reporter

This is the time of year where all girls are trying to find the perfect dress for the perfect prom night. Wayne City High School prom will be held March 26 this year. This is the one night most all Wayne City students look forward to throughout their high school careers. Wayne City works their hardest to put on this amazing event for all the students. Angie Kelly, the prom coordinator, puts on prom every year. Angie Kelly states, “Prom is a magical night for all involved. I love how the ideas of our students come to life as we transition the gym into a night of dancing and memories!” During the COVID-19 pandemic, Angie even managed to throw prom that year also. For the past two years, Wayne City’s prom has been held at Pocket Full of Sunshine in Mount Vernon, Illinois. This year’s prom will be held in the high school gym this year. This will be the first prom in the high school for the Junior class.

Junior Jovi Horton says, “I am excited to finally have a prom at the school and not at Pocket Full of Sunshine. That place was pretty, but it isn’t the same experience as it will be getting to have it at the school. I can’t wait to be able to have my first prom here and get to go to after prom after!”

This year is also the first time in two years that they will be having an after prom. The after prom will be at Urban Air Adventures this year.  Junior Paige Greenwalt says, “I’m actually excited to go to after prom this year, because I have never been able to experience it.”