Graduating with Memories

Graduating with Memories

Grayson Habermaas, Reporter

The end of high school is bittersweet for most. The many years of hard work and dedication put into getting to walk on the stage in May is worth it. Seniors all will part ways and go onto working to build their own lives separately for the first time. For most, it’s scary, leaving behind the only town many of the seniors have lived in. For others, it is a new opportunity to reach personal goals and full potential as a person. With all new paths taken across the map for many, the people the seniors grew up with will now be distant acquaintances with just memories together.

When people tell incoming freshmen to take their time with school and that it goes by fast, nobody ever sees the truth in that until after it is all over. Between the short four years of high school, students experience so many different opportunities and challenges. I strongly advise if you are uncertain about joining a certain sport or talking to that one new person to do so. The memories made throughout high school will stick with you for the rest of your life. “I’m sad that it came to an end the way it did, but I’m happy I was a part of it,” said senior Chase Smith about the basketball season. 

The end of high school does not mean the end to all of the friendships or never coming back to a hometown. Graduates will have many new opportunities in a new environment that they can thrive in. College for students can be either twenty minutes away from home or five or more hours. Be successful in your own version of succeeding and make the most of what you have presented to you. Wayne City has been an amazing experience, but I am excited to see what the future holds.