Alayna White won the Miss Bean Queen Pageant on Saturday September 16 in the Wayne City School Performance Gym. Klaira Vaughan won first runner up. Katelyn Catron won second runner up. Zoe Wiggins was voted to be Miss Congeniality.
These four girls will have to ride in the Bean Days Parade and spend the day wearing their crowns and sashes. All four contestants have to source their own cars to ride in for the parade. White has a few extra requirements such as, giving an award at the car show, writing an essay, and making an appearance at the rodeo.
White said, “When I first found out, I was shocked to say the least. I was always told that only seniors win, so to be Miss Bean Queen as a sophomore is an honor. As I reign as queen, I hope to represent the community with as much grace and dignity as possible.”
Wiggins said, “I was completely surprised and truly honored to be voted Miss Congeniality. With that, I am excited to ride in the parade. I love seeing everyone, especially the kids, get excited to see the floats and collect lots of candy.”
Wayne City’s Retiring Miss Bean Queen also must ride in the parade and spend the day wearing her crown and sash at the various activities during Bean Days. The Retiring Miss Bean Queen, Kelby Wood says, “I loved being Miss Bean Queen, and I was so excited to crown our new Queen, Alayna. I am definitely going to miss it.”