The beginning of every month is an exciting time for seniors, thinking about the chance of them becoming the senior of the month. This Month’s Senior is Cecilia Choate, she is the daughter of Lamar Choate, who is the history teacher and volleyball coach in the school.
On September 17 Cecilia turned 18! She is involved in many school clubs such as FCA, FCCLA, History Club, Apologetix, Beta Club, Red Ribbon Team, cheerleading and volleyball. Cecilia has been playing volleyball since she was in fourth grade. She plays the middle position, and every time she has a lot of fun playing it. In her free time, she enjoys online shopping and hanging out with friends.
Cecilia seems to be very sure of what she wants to do when she grows up: after graduation she plans on attending the University of Southern Indiana for dental hygiene. She already applied and got it! Cecilia said that she wants to study dental hygiene because she thinks it is really important for the body, and she really wants to help other people with their dental hygiene.
Mrs. Mays, high school math teacher, stated, “Cecilia is a delight to have as a student. She is extremely respectful, she has a great character, and she always has a smile on her face. In addition, she always completes her assignments to the best of her ability.”