Back to School Thoughts

Kennedy Sledge

Several different students were asked their thoughts on back to school. For the most part, they are excited and grateful to be be back at school. The seniors are ecstatic that this is their last year of high school and they are excited, but also anxious to go to college and to go out into the real world. The other students that were surveyed said they missed socializing with their friends over the summer, and they stated that was the best part about school.

When asked what they least looked forward to when coming back to school they said, getting up early, short lunches, homework, and the no phones rule. The thing that they most look forward to in this school year is the clubs and activities in which they participate. They also look forward to clubs and activities because they look forward to spending time and hanging out with their friends while doing something they enjoy. For the most part the students are happy to be back to school and are excited for what this school year has in store for them.