What Does Fashion Tell us About us

Margot Lemonnier

Fifteen students of WCHS aged between 15 and 18 years, were asked, “What is your all-time favorite outfit or article of clothing and accessory?”

The two most picked outfit choices among the students were sporty and casual. The most worn article of clothing was t-shirts. Most students said that t-shirts were comfortable and easy to wear. However, Gracie Musgrave made the comment, “I love socks, I sleep in them, I wear them whenever I can. The fuzzier the better!” The most favorite accessory is glasses. JayZale O’Neal said, “Shoes is savage, they are life, they describe you.” Paige Tadlock said, “My favorite outfit is a pair of jeans, a hoodie (probably maroon in color), and tennis shoes. It is my favorite because it is easy and comfortable.” Most students are interested in fashion trends but do not really care or follow them. They want to look cute, but most are too lazy.