Battle of the Multiverses

Dane Horton, Ad Manager

Marvel and D.C. are two of the biggest most successful franchises in the movie business.  The question is, which is better?  This question has been debated over and over but it never is solved because everyone who sets their mind never wants to open up to any possibility of being wrong.  Some people like back stories and character build up, some like fight scenes, and some only watch the movies because the cast is atractive.

Both Marvel and D.C. make movies and TV shows.  Many people don’t know the difference.  Justice League, Arrow, and Teen Titans are all D.C. Comics whereas X-Men, Avengers, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D are all Marvel.  One big argument between people is who makes the better TV shows and movies?  Believe it or not WCHS students hold a very one sided view.  Out of 30 votes, 25 people said D.C. makes better TV shows.  Twenty three out of 30 said Marvel makes better movies.  Most people argued that D.C. shows have way better character development, better stories, and are just overall more interesting.  But on the topic of movies more people said that Marvel has way better fight scenes, more comedy, and catches their attention more.

As far as favorite characters go (villains and heros alike) the votes between Marvel and D.C. were extremely close.  In the end, D.C. came out on top at WCHS because polled students felt there is way more depth to the characters in D.C.  D.C. is pretty famous for giving a lot of backstory on their characters.  For example, in every episode for the first five seasons of Arrow Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) had flashbacks from the time he was first trapped on the island until he left.

Who was voted the best overall?  In a 17 to 13 vote, D.C. won over Marvel they enjoy the characters more and think the stories are better.  Those who were for Marvel, said that they think the fight scenes are way better and the movies are just better quality all around.  Sounds like in the event of an epic multiverse vs multiverse battle that D.C. would take the win over the opposing Marvel!