How Coming Out Affects Teens

Shout out to the LGBTQA+ Community

“The hardest thing any ‘non-straight’ person can do.” That is what someone said when asked about coming out. It can be hard. It could be the best thing you ever do; or the worst.


Coming out is very personal, no one should ever be “outed”, and someone else should never come out for them. When asked how they thought being in a small school like WCHS and what coming out was like, they said, “I came out in eighth grade here and it was pretty hard, I got called the f-word a week later, but people still stood up for me, I’m not usually discriminated [against] to my face, but I know I am behind my back.”


Another friend says she is scared to come out to her family, because she is scared they will kick her out. Even though we have made big strides as a nation in accepting the LBGTQA+ community, there is still so much hate. Another student who was asked said that even though we don’t have the same sexuality, gender, or opinions as someone else, they’re still humans and they deserve their own chance. “You shouldn’t bully just because someone doesn’t agree with your beliefs.”