Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Dane Horton, Ad Manager

The Jurassic movies have been classics ever since the first movie, Jurassic Park, came out in 1993.  This action packed suspenseful thriller is set in a park where gene technology has taken huge steps.  They actually were able to fill in the missing DNA they needed with non-extinct animals and blood cells found in mosquitoes crystalised inside of amber.  Two more Jurassic Park movies were made in 1997 and in 2001.


While the three Jurassic Park movies will remain classics forever, Jurassic World blew the special effects out of the water.  In Jurassic World, there are bigger, more dangerous dinosaurs.  On top of that there were more dinosaurs in this movie than in any movie ever made.  These dinosaurs included a genetically modified super-dino that terrorizes the whole resort.  They also featured an entirely new idea never brought up in any dinosaur movie before.  A bond between humans and the carnivore velociraptor.  The reason this is so especially unique is because velociraptors are the vicious, man eating monsters from the first Jurassic Park series.  At the end of the movie Jurassic World the velociraptors work together with Owen Grady, the main character, to defeat the Indominus Rex.  It is going to be very exciting to see if they continue this relationship between man and animal in the newest movie Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.


On June 22, 2018 the second Jurassic World will be put in theaters.  There is a lot of excitement for this movie because of the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62FdQCwngTs.  In the trailer they give a few spoilers but do not go as far as to give away the plot of the movie.  But if they decide to make this movie similar in plot to the second Jurassic Park movie, like they did with the first Jurassic World, then it will be easily predictable.  Based on the facts given in the trailer one can only assume that this is the road they will take.  We see in the trailer new characters who have somehow ended up back on the island and Owen Grady attempting to rescue them.  This is exactly the plot of Jurassic Park 3.  Or they could take it in the direction that would be more relatable to The Lost World: Jurassic Park, the second movie in the series.  In this movie they find out that the government is making more dinosaurs.  This is possible due to the end of Jurassic world when we see that the Army is taking the dino DNA with them as they are leaving.


The director of Jurassic World:Fallen Kingdom, Juan Antonio Bayona, is very interested in suspense.  He said in an interview that his movie will be packed full of suspense, and even better special effects than ever seen before.  In this movie there will be more dinosaurs than ever seen on any screen in the world.  For this reason alone, many people are very thrilled to see what this new director is going to do with the newest edition to the Jurassic World Series.