Mass Shootings

Why It’s Important to be Informed

Trinity Krueger

It is a normal day of school, everything seems to be going on as usual. Then, a shot rings out through the hallways. “This can’t be happening here…” As of October 28, 2018, there have been 297 mass shootings nationwide. There have been nearly as many US mass shootings as days in 2018. Out of these 297 shootings, 36 of them were school shootings with 72 deaths. It is no question that gun violence is a problem in America, and it is only getting worse.


Victims of these shootings vary widely between religion, sex, age, and ethnicity. According to, of the 154 mass shootings recorded in the U.S. in 2018 through 28 June, none of them were perpetrated by black men, undocumented immigrants, or women. At least 175 of mass shooters’ weapons were obtained legally but, 52 were obtained illegally. 


So, how can someone be prepared for an incident like this? No one is ever completely prepared for this kind of tragedy, but some precautions can be taken. Make sure all exits are familiar, men and women should always have someone with them, make sure a phone is within reach to call emergency services, and always report suspicious characters. Everyone stay safe out there.