Belgium VS USA


In today’s world, Belgium and the United States have two very different school systems. How is it different? The first main difference is the classes. Adult living, parenting, foods, music appreciation, and hydroponics are some examples of classes students wouldn’t find in a regular school in Belgium. In most of the schools in Belgium, and especially in small ones, students would only have the basic classes like math, physics, chemistry, history, french, geography, and English.

Another difference is the amount of homework and tests given in Belgium in comparison to here. In Belgium, most of the students spend a lot of hours studying and doing homework during the weekend. Here are some answers of Wayne City High School students when asked how much time they spend doing homework and studying during the weekend:

Sophomore Lauren Bass said, “I don’t do much homework or studying.” 

Senior Kylee Keele said, “Depending on if I don’t have a paper due, maybe less than an hour.”

But like senior Darren Duwez, an exchange student from Belgium, said, “The biggest difference is the sports! It’s much easier to practice sports at school here.” Having school sports teams, having practice every day after school, and playing games against other schools don’t exist in Belgium. Over there, school ends around 3.30-4.00 p.m. If students want to play a sport, they have to find their sports clubs outside of school and go there after school or during the weekend. 

Two whole different school systems. Which one is better? That’s open to opinion!