The Fight For Another Formal Dance

Emma McCormick

The 2019 MORP Dance was cancelled due to lack of participation. Some Wayne City students were upset about this cancellation, while some supported it. The school board agreed to revive MORP after the dance hadn’t been held since the 90’s. “I was looking forward to MORP my senior year, and I was very upset due to it being cancelled,” says Kyle Borah, “I still got the sash, though.” Other students say they would have attended if it were a formal dance rather than a casual event. When asked, Jarrett Lewis said, “I think it would have had more value and importance if it was a formal dance rather than a bonfire that you can go to any other weekend.”


A majority of the student body has agreed that Wayne City should have another formal dance like surrounding schools. For example, neighboring districts such as Webber, Cisne, and Fairfield hold a Homecoming dance, while Mount Vernon also holds a Sweetheart Dance. Classmates have discussed having a Winter Formal, Sweetheart Dance, Spring Fling, Sadie Hawkins, etc. Teens at Wayne City have even agreed to join a committee for a possibility of one of these dances. Students have also brought up the idea of a cheaper budget than Prom, and making props. Student Council members have been asked to bring up this subject to Ms. Smith, the Student Council Sponsor, but the action hasn’t been taken. Students are hopeful that another formal dance could be hosted in the near future at Wayne City High School.