Day in the Life of a Rancher

Adlee Stephenson

Day in the Life of a Rancher 

People that own horses know exactly how much work that goes into each horse they own. Owning a horse means a lot of responsibility. A horse depends on its caregiver to feed and water it. Horse owner Adlee Stephenson says, “If you’re going to own a horse, take care of it properly. That animal depends on you to keep it alive.” If a horse has to stay in a stall, then it has to have a clean stall with clean bedding so it doesn’t get sick. If a horse gets sick, then it will have to go to the vet, which will cost more money in vet bills than would need to be invested to keep the stalls clean.

Some people are more competitive with their horses. For example, Adlee is a barrel racer. Therefore, she has to make sure her horse is properly taken care of so he can continue running barrels with her. By taking care of her horse, Adlee makes sure he gets fed twice a day, has plenty of water and hay. She also makes sure his stall is clean so he will have fresh clean bedding if he has to stay in his stall. 

There are also people who are not competitive with their horses at all. The only thing they want to do with their horses is trail riding. It usually takes a lot of work to get a horse to stay calm when something runs out at it like another animal in the woods.