News Ordinance

January 10, 2020
Growing up in a rural community it is very common for most families to have an all-terrain vehicle, side by side utility vehicle, or even a golf cart. In Wayne City, it is common to see a golf cart parked outside the local Citgo gas station or in front of the post office. The ease of getting around in these type of recreational vehicles and cost savings from fuel make them an attractive transportation option for many. Not to mention, they are just fun to drive.
Cities and local police have struggled with how to address the issue of safety and use of these vehicles on public town streets. On Monday, January 6, Wayne City Village Board met and passed an ordinance to allow these vehicles to be driven on any city street. Owners of these vehicles who wish to drive their recreational vehicle on city streets will be required to pay a one-time inspection fee of $15 and an annual license fee of $35. The inspection will ensure the vehicle has headlights and taillights. The vehicle should having turning signals or the driver must use hand signals to indicate his intention. Village Board Member, LaDonna McKinney said that the new ordinance should bring revenue into the city while also giving the community the convenience of driving these vehicles. LaDonna and her husband, Terry, often ride their golf cart to the ball diamond to watch their grandsons play baseball. “We enjoy the convenience of being able to get in and out of the parking lot quicker and can sit in our golf cart to watch the baseball game.”