Will masks be made mandatory everywhere?

Keea Cone, Reporter

With the number of cases of COVID only rising, students all have one thought that some people dread and some people think is a blessing. Will masks be made mandatory everywhere in this small town and the surrounding places around it? Wayne County alone has had 502 cases of COVID, and thirteen of those cases have died. 

Some people believe that masks can cause carbon dioxide build up, but properly fitted masks offer adequate airflow, while still covering the mouth and nose. Everyone has their own opinions on the masks, some agree with them, and others see them useless and difficult to breathe. With the rules being “6 feet apart” and having some type of mask on each face, not everyone follows these rules, causing cases to only rise. The question everyone will be asking even more often than they do now is, “Does everyone have to wear a mask?” Businesses will lose customers, but they will also gain some. With not everyone wearing masks, not everyone will get out and shop for themselves. It is more dangerous for the elderly and people with a weak immune system to even leave their houses.

Some people even believe that COVID is a hoax and is something that was made up during the election. They believe once the election is over, COVID will magically disappear. As much as everyone wants COVID to disappear, the trends say COVID isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.