Importance of The Yearbook

November 29, 2021
Why is the yearbook important? When looking at a yearbook, anybody can see everyone what has been going at this school from that school year. Sometimes after many years of not seeing someone and going to a 25 year reunion, it might make someone to want to look through the yearbook so that it will help to remember who that one person was. Why else would want to look at the yearbook someone might say? Well the high school yearbook has all the memories from the last years of school with the same people. Perhaps the most important yearbook anyone could get in high school is the senior year yearbook, because once left from the school some might not remember who was considered best friends before moving away and out of school.
The Wayne City High School yearbook was started in 1950 and still continues to this day. Now, parents, grandparents, siblings, children, or even grandchildren can look at everything that has happened like prom, battle of the classes, graduation, and many other things that happened through many high school years. Never tell people they shouldn’t get a yearbook just because someone doesn’t think it will be needed because one day someone might need to see the senior class from that year. By letting everyone know how important a yearbook is, more high school students will hopefully take it into consideration to order one so they can look back at those memories they made with so many people. Then one day someone could look through it and show their children and say that is what I looked like when I was your age.