Christopher Tournament, Indians Ready to Show Their Might

Diego Diaz, Reporter

Photo contributed by Twilla King

Monday December 22, the Christopher Tournament begins and all the teams are excited to play their first game of the season. The opening game of the tournament will be New Athens against NCOE on Monday at 6:15. The Indians will play their first game on Tuesday at 7:45 against Zeigler-Royalton, where they will have to show all the effort they have been putting during the summer and these past weeks. The next Indians game will be on Friday and, if they manage to win both games, they will play for the Championship on Saturday at 7:45.

“I really feel like this is the year we can win it all and I’ve never been more excited  to start a season. I really feel that we will exceed expectations,” said Koby Anderson. These are going to be the first games of the 2021-2022 season, and it is one that looks really promising for the Indians. The captain of the team Lucas Noe said, “I think we have a very deep team and we have two of the best players in southern Illinois so I think we can make a run in the postseason.”

The team is already thinking about Regionals, and working with the objective of winning this game in mind. They have even promised that if they make it to Sectionals, they are all getting a buzz cut.

This season is also special because the fans are coming back after not being able to go last winter. The new members of the team like Cesar Romero are also excited, as he stated, “I really want to play, because I have not played basketball in a year and in this school almost everybody likes it.”