Sharp New Look


Abby, reporter

The performance of a team can revolve around a lot of different things. The endless practices it takes to get your team to its top performance, the pep talks, and the team support but sometimes the uniforms you wear can bring the confidence the teams need. The cheer team has purchased new cheer uniforms every few years. The last time the cheer team got new uniforms was about four years ago. The squad has used those uniforms for all years until this year. The old uniforms were discontinued this year, so new uniforms for the cheer team were chosen.  The cheer team wanted to go with something they’ve never had before. The old uniforms the cheer team had were mostly red and were simple in style. The uniforms the team went with this year, are mostly white with a lot of red detail and trim. The cheer team will have a completely different look to them this year. The cheerleaders that are now seniors have been hoping for these new uniforms for a couple years now. This year’s seniors had a big role in choosing the uniforms for the upcoming seasons ahead. With the new uniforms, the cheerleaders have also ordered new bows that have WCHS on them. Instead of doing hair in a high ponytail, they all decided on a low pony with a braid on one side. With this new look the cheerleaders plan to be sharp and in style, looking better than ever showing them off in the weeks ahead.