Queen of the Crop


Jovi Horton, Reporter

The 2022 Bean Queen was held on Saturday, September 17 and it began at 6 p.m. Unlike years before, the pageant was grades K-12. In past years it was K-4 and then high school but now they have included 5-8 as well. Another change they have made this year is that the little miss contestants did not have individual interviews and had no on-stage questions. The miss contestants did get to have individual interviews this year, though they did not get to have on-stage questions.

Every year, there are five winners who get a sash and a crown. Judges selected a Queen, first runner up, second runner up, directors choice, and a miss congeniality. This year’s winners included: Queen Senior Kelby Wood, first runner up Senior Vanessa Schooly, second runner up Senior Emily Smith, directors choice Freshman Reese Legg, and miss congeniality Freshman Alayna White. Senior Kelby Wood stated, “Receiving the title of Queen this year was so much fun. I have done the pageant since kindergarten, and I never imagined actually winning when I got older.” This year, judges also awarded Sophomore Josie Greenwalt for outstanding eyes, Sophomore Kylee Moore for outstanding hair, and Freshman Reese Legg for an outstanding smile. All the other participants were awarded a participation trophy after they announced the main winners. When asked to list her favorite part about Bean Queen Sophomore Josie Greenwalt said, “I loved being able to get ready with my best friend Reese and our moms. It was really fun getting to be a part of this pageant with her and making fun memories.”