Every basketball season, the high school cheer squad hosts a cheer clinic. This year, they hosted it on Saturday, February 15, when the boys played the Carmi-White County Bulldogs. The morning of the clinic, the cheerleaders allowed the 36 girls that signed up to cheer to come into the gym and learn a few cheers and multiple different cheer jumps. The little cheerleaders came in from 9-11:30 and got to work. During this time period, the cheerleaders taught the younger girls different jumps, including a pike, toe-touch and a hurdler. After many minutes of practice, the girls had it down and moved onto learning cheers. They learned a few different sideline cheers and one 60-second cheer as well as a dance. For some people, this is the only time they come out and support the boys basketball team, and the little cheerleaders add spunk. Cheerleader MaKalyn Gregory said, “I have fun and enjoy being able to work at the cheer clinic. I love cheer and being able to pass on my knowledge of it to the younger girls.”
Another cheerleader, Abigail Young said, “I enjoyed getting to be a part of the cheer clinic, I love seeing all the girls looking up to us and how they love cheering. It makes me happy to see the littles love something I enjoyed doing when I was their age.”
Katelyn Catron said, “I loved working alongside Ava and Lily, teaching the little girls how to cheer on their teammates and how to stunt. I think my group, the Slay Queens, did so good.”