Bags to Blankets


Paige Greenwalt, Reporter

The Wayne City FCCLA hosted a plastic bag drive during the weeks of October 11-19. The bag drive was put together and decided at the Section 9 Officer Meeting in September. The bag drive’s purpose was to collect as many small grocery bags to make “plarn” or plastic woven yarn. The “plarn” will be put together to make blankets for the less fortunate. Vice president of Wayne City FCCLA’s section, Jovi Horton said, “I think the bag drive was a good idea, because we can help people that don’t have a home. I am really excited to see how many bags each school brings to our next meeting.”

The bag drive encouraged students throughout the whole high school to compete for prizes. Each activity period competed against one another to see who could collect the most bags. The class who won earned a pizza party for their whole activity period. Senior’s came out on top with Mrs. Sowa’s activity period in first place. Mrs. Mays’ senior class came in second and Mrs. Seymour’s sophomore activity period came in third. FCCLA members ended up counting at least 7 giant trash bags full of the smaller grocery bags just from our school, which was a huge success. Junior Klaira Vaughan said, “As a new member of FCCLA, I was happy to see the amount of participation our school has in projects like this. I am excited to see what all we do in our community.” The bag drive was a great start for the FCCLA members to see what the club is all about.