On November 9, the Wayne City FFA hosted a Veterans Day Breakfast in honor of all the local Veterans. The FFA annually hosts the event to honor and remember those who risked their lives to protect people’s freedoms. Most community members feel it is such a great opportunity to gather as a community, to come together, and to share a delicious meal to create a warm welcoming to the Veterans to make them feel honored and appreciated. The breakfast was hosted in the FFA building at 7 a.m. The FFA kids and teachers had to be in the FFA building at 5:30 a.m. to prepare the breakfast. The meal included bacon, eggs, biscuits and gravy, and more. An FFA member, Jacob Thomason, stated, ¨It was nice to have a good turn out for our annual Veterans Day Breakfast, we do this every to honor those who served for our country.¨ Anyone in FFA could explain that being able to host something like this is not only a great experience, but students can learn so much from it. Veterans have so much courage and dedication to their country. Their bravery alone inspires many people. Another FFA member, Kenzie Seidel, said, ¨Although it´s small, I love being able to show gratitude to those who served by providing them a meal.¨ All Veterans who attended were very appreciative and excited for the breakfast. It helped them feel appreciated for their service and gave them something to look forward to next year.