Purging the Urge to Splurge

Allison Green, Writer

Addiction is a tough thing to overcome. There are many things to get addicted to; whether that be shopping, eating, or anything else.


According to wikipedia.org, “Purge eating is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent purging (self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas) to control weight or shape in the absence of binge eating episodes that occurs in people with normal or near-normal weight.” Purge eating can be caused by anxiety, stress, or because they feel like they aren’t attractive enough. Being healthier, getting plenty of exercise, surrounding yourself with positivity, or seeking professional help would help this issue.


Another addiction people tend to have is a shopping addiction also known as compulsive shopping disorder. According to psychguides.com “A shopping addict is someone who shops compulsively and who may feel like they have no control over their behavior.” Some people develop shopping addictions because they essentially get addicted to how their brain feels while shopping, according to Ruth Engs from Indiana State University. Ways to help with this addiction would be to get rid of credit cards, try to avoid online shopping websites, or shop with a shopping list.


There are many ways to help with these problems. People  can overcome these disorders when they find supports to help them eat right and spend money correctly.