Can Guys and Girls Be Just Friends?

Allison Green, Writer

Whether people are talking about sports, or just life in general, having guy friends to talk to can be a relief from all the drama people have with thier girl friends.


So, can guys and girls be just friends? Studies have shown that eventually one way or another, one of them will fall for the other.


When people find someone that they can open up to, and shows how fun they can be, it can easily make them more attractive to them.


According to, “What we look for in our guy friends is very much the same in what we look for in a significant other: chemistry…If you deny this, ask yourself, ‘Why do I hang out with him?’” It’s unavoidable, someone will eventually start catching feelings for the other. People can’t control it.


What happens when he brings another girl around? Individuals feel threatened, even if they don’t want to be. If someone hasn’t felt threatened it’s bound to happen, eventually even without realizing it, someone will catch some feelings. states, “Men and women cannot be ‘just’ friends because only one friend desires something more. Those mismatched desires between men and women lead to unequal friend zone situations, where one person’s needs are completely satisfied at the other’s expense. Those unfortunate instances and the frustrations around them are the friendship problems we hear so much about. Nevertheless, friendship between men and women is not impossible. However, it does require finding someone with friendship goals matching your own.”


In conclusion, guys and girls can be just friends, but someone will eventually like the other one, but it’s their decision if they want to act on those feelings.