Wayne City Bean Days Rodeo

Adlee Stephenson

Every year at the end of September, the Wayne City Saddle Club hosts the annual Wayne City Bean Days Rodeo. When all of the spectators are arriving, the Wayne City FFA helps by guiding the spectators to their parking spot. This year, the T&A Buckin Bulls is co-hosting the rodeo. By co-hosting, the Wayne City Saddle Club is supplying the arena and T&A Buckin Bulls is bringing their bulls. Junior Adlee Stephenson stated, “The best part about this rodeo is that it is my hometown rodeo so all of my friends come out to watch the rodeo.” 

Not only does Adlee compete at the rodeo, but she also works with the Wayne City FFA with selling tea.  When she finishes, she gets home and gets her horse and herself ready as fast as she possibly can so she can get to the saddle club and get a good parking spot. After she gets her horse saddled and warmed up, she stands at the gate waiting for the announcer to call her name. She is very nervous to compete in her event, because she doesn’t want to knock a barrel or fall off of her horse during the competition.  Not only are there rodeo contestants, but the Wayne City Bean Queen is also there selling 50/50 raffle tickets. Senior Jayla Pendleton stated, ”I am very excited to represent my title. I can’t wait to see who wins each event.”