Big Hearts are Awesome

Kylie Reed, Reporter

It’s a good thing that Ina Reed was blessed with a big, bright heart. She gets called compassionate and considerate. but she is, without a doubt, both of those things and more. 

She spreads joy and opens her arms to anyone and everyone she comes in contact with and more. For example, her son is going to adopt a little boy in the next few months, and she has accepted him and treats him just like the rest of her grandchildren. 

When she was asked how she was raised she stated, “As I grew up I was always taught to share with others and was to help others if they needed help. She says she was raised in a family that believed you treat others the way you want to be treated, and, in the eyes of the Lord, everyone is equal. 

Ina says after  a person spends twelve years in school he or she knows a little of what has been instilled in a person. When that person gets out on his or her own and continues in school or gets out in the work force, that person is tested on his or her upbringing. When that person wants to meet his or her future spouse and start a family, that individual will have the foundation he or she needs to build a life with children and grandchildren. Ina says, “My husband has tried to teach our kids this and hopes it is passed down to the next generation.”