Wayne City High School is starting the year off by voting for a few of their clubs’ officers. Wayne City began with Beta Club first, with Zoe Wiggins leading as president. Additional officers include: Vice president Cecilia Choate, Secretary Klaira Vaughan, Treasurer JoAnna Leonardi, Historian Ashton Bullard, and photographer Ayden Smith. This election took place on Friday, September 15. Wiggins emphasizes, ¨I´m super excited to be on the Beta Club officer team this year. I love helping in whatever I can and can’t wait to use this role to help others get involved.¨ Everyone is so excited to see this officer team come together and make the Beta Club grow and be successful. All of the Beta Club members are so excited for the year to start and for the service hours and trips to come.
The history club has also been voting for officers by the student body; the election was finalized on Thursday, September 21. Everyone was ecstatic to see these thriving individuals come together to make an officer team. The club started off with electing the President, Cecilia Choate, Vice president, Zoe Wiggins, Secretary, Klaira Vaughan, Treasurer, Andre Maguet, and finally the historian, Kobee Ivy. Choate claims, ¨I´m very excited to be the president this year, and I feel like we are all going to work hard. Everyone on the team has great ideas, and will contribute to the team very well.¨ The history club is very excited for the annual Trivia Night and the upcoming trip in the spring semester!