After a hiatus since 2019, the school is abuzz with excitement as preparations for the long-awaited school play, “Salem’s Daughter,” are underway. Despite the absence of a formal drama club, Mrs. Jessica Fagan has taken the initiative to gather a group of talented and promising girls to bring this captivating story to life. Set in the present day, “Salem’s Daughter” tells the gripping tale of six girls who unintentionally cause the death of another girl and must live with the guilt and fear of her haunting presence. The story unfolds eight years later when the girls are brought together again, only to be confronted by the vengeful spirit of the girl they thought they had left behind. “I’m so excited to finally do another play after all of the issues that COVID brought I’m so excited to finally do another play after all of the issues that COVID brought,” Fagan says.
Mrs. Fagan, known for her passion for theater and nurturing young talent, has been working tirelessly with the girls to ensure that the production is nothing short of spectacular. From casting to rehearsals, every aspect of the play is being carefully crafted to deliver a spine-chilling and unforgettable experience for the audience.
The performance is scheduled to take place on April 27 at five o’clock, and anticipation is running high among students, teachers, and parents alike. It promises to be an evening filled with suspense, drama, and a showcase of the remarkable talent within the school. “The school play has been such a fun opportunity. I love getting to know all of these people I otherwise might not have. I’m very excited to see how it turns out,” senior Klaira Vaughn says. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness the magic of live theater and support these budding young actors as they take the stage in “Salem’s Daughter.”