Is Drinking and Driving Still a Problem for Teenagers?

Hannah Huston

Drinking and driving used to be a huge problem with teenagers but since 1991 it has been cut down by about half. Though it has been cut down it does still happen more than it should, which is not a good thing. Almost a million high school teens have drank and got behind the wheel in 2011.

Teenage drunk driving kills about 18 people everyday. The average boy takes his first drink at age 11. The average girl, at age 13. Every day an average of 11,318 teens try alcohol for the first time. More than half of high school seniors report that they have been drunk at least once. Three million teens are alcoholics.

Car crashes are the number one killer of teens in the United States.On an average weekend, a car-crash is responsible for the death of one teen every hour. In over 45% of those crashes, alcohol is involved. Overall, motor vehicle crashes cause the deaths of over 35% of people aged 16-20. Of that percentage, it is estimated that 36.1% are due to alcohol involvement. Every year, more than 28,000 people lose their lives due to alcohol or drug related crashes.

Though drinking and driving in teens is not has big as it was before it is still a big problem in teens today. Drinking and driving should definitely be stopped. With drinking and driving comes the risk of death for the teens and other people that could be part of the potential crash.