Flash from the Past

Maddie Clark

Flash from the Past


Think back to the great 80s and 90s… People probably think about the (quite large) hair first.  But what about the scrunchies, off-the-shoulder tops, and high waisted pants? They’ve definitely made their comeback.


Watching an episode of Full House 5 years ago, people were probably thinking “Why in the world would anyone wear a scrunchie?” But now, they might be wondering why they ever went out of style. They don’t have to be super dramatic, but every outfit could have a scrunchie to match!


High waisted jeans and “mom” jeans are all over the internet. Some people absolutely love this. Others, not so much, and I don’t really blame them. Only certain people can pull them off, the rest are not so flattering.


Some students have looked at their baby pictures and were downright embarrassed that their mothers were wearing an off-the-shoulder top. But fashion trends have a way of repeating themselves, off-the-shoulder and cold shoulder tops are everywhere you look.